The temptation to avoid usability work

At Fluxitek, I am involved not only in the design of the overall user experience, but also in implementation. The temptation to skip work is sometimes great for our team, and I too have to keep convincing myself why usability work is absolutely crucial to product success. Trying to find a succint enough way to express the basic needs for the work…

Software engineers often question the value of usability work. It may be that a good designer could design a UI that does not create major confusion for most – if those designers already have lots of experience from usability testing in other projects.

However, in any application that is done without explicit user research and usability testing targeted for the specific UI, you tend to have dozens of small confusing moments that make up the overall user experience and lead to a general ‘yuk’ reaction. Not to mention that if you don’t intimately know your users’ goals, you are likely to be designing the wrong overall application.




Published by Olli Savolainen

Esittely Ihmiset-sivulla / Introduction on the People page